Earthwise Construction
Edmonton, Alberta
July - August 2016
Double Star Drilling (DSD) was contracted by Earthwise Construction to design, install and excavate a shaft, to provide access for a tunnel boring machine used for trenchless sewer construction methods. The most economical shoring design was to install a secant pile compression ring with a diameter of 10.7m and excavation depth of 24.0m. The scope of work included 51ea 900mm diameter cased secant piles, which were segmentally cased for the top 15m of each pile. DSD equipped themselves with their SoilMec SR30 drill rig, Liebherr LB36 drill rig and the RT-80 crane.

- Project Details
The main challenge was the constant change in weather which had a large impact on the site’s safety, access, coordination, and rig production. The ground became too wet for the rigs to easily move around site, but DSD handled it with specialized tooling, daily organization, and rig mats. Having key personnel on site with experience of this size of a project was extremely important to ensure the coordination between piling crews and subcontractors went seamlessly. Overall the client and the owner were very pleased with DSD’s commitment to overcome the challenging weather conditions, dedicating additional drills, equipment, and workforce to ensure the projects schedule milestones were met.